The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is a private, voluntary, not-for-profit organization registered in 1991 and composed of Italian juridical and physical persons.
Its Members include the major Italian industrial groups, banks, legal offices and transport companies, as well as many small and medium enterprises.
The CICC regularly informs its Members on the Chinese economy and on the business environment in China and provides advice and support whenever required by its Associates. It also organizes meetings of its Members with prominent guests from Italy and leading Chinese Government officials and economists.
The CICC liaises with the Embassy of Italy and the Italian Trade Commission Offices in China to co-ordinate and implement programs of common interest.
The CICC, as a Member of the European Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC), is actively supporting the EUCCC in its role as a representative of European business interests with the Chinese Government authorities and other institutions.
从 今年的意大利卓越款待奖里可以知道那些优秀的意大利餐厅,作为1997年开始的一项由意大利联合商会推广的全球性的认证证书。本奖项还同意大利五个国家部 门(外交部,文化遗产部,经济发展部,旅游部及农业部)合作并得到了意大利国家旅游研究的支持,由海外的意大利商会支持并组织。
- 优胜的意大利葡萄酒
- 实用的意大利制品
- 有经验的意大利厨师
- 实用的初榨橄榄油
Q as Quality.
This is the seal that promotes and certifies the Italian restaurants ambassadors of the Made in Italy abroad.
This is well known by the Italian restaurants in China which have participated to the Italian Hospitality Project, certification of quality born in 1997, promoted by Unioncamere and supportedby the National Institute for Tourism Research and five Italian Ministries (Foreign Affairs, Cultural Heritage, Economic Development, Tourism, and Agriculture) and realized thanks to the constant support of the Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad.
Which requirement that restaurants need to meet in order to be identified as “quality restaurants”?
- Italian wines
- Italian products
- Italian Chef
- Italian atmosphere
- Italian extra virgin olive
These are the basic requirements that restaurants need to meet in order to guarantee that the standards of Italian Hospitality are met, so that the foreign consumers can identify the real Italian cuisine and its food-and-wine excellences.
在这次颁奖典礼上,Bella Vita在众多参赛者中脱颖而出
官方的证书和奖牌是由总领事Stafano Beltrame和负责中国意大利商会上海办公室的Antonella Sciarra颁发
Bella Vita创始人Samuele Rossi上台领奖
Bella Vita Italian restaurant & café first signature F&B located in“Florentia Village” which is the first luxury designer outlets of China,creating
an elegant dining environment also own the outstandingItalian chefs
and management team, selected imported Italian foodmaterials and ingredient to create classical Italian food and beverage for you.
We are focus on the branding image of “Bella Vita” and creatively
developed a top Italian food and beverage culture. We are not only
cooking in Italian, it is more of putting across an Italian life style.
Bella Vita将一直以大招健康美味的意大利美食为宗旨,我们不仅仅是做意大利菜更是向您传达一种意大利生活方式的理念。
Bella vita将会让你品尝到正宗的意大利美食,感受到真诚的服务热情!
A4-A5 佛罗伦萨小镇
电话: 021-20676027
Food-E 佛罗伦萨小镇
电话: 022-59698238
搜索公众号:BellaVita Concept